The PMS Guide
Looking to take back control of your premenstrual experience? This guide should provide you with some steps in the right direction.
​Booking an appointment is the first step in initiating care. Appointments can be booked online by clicking any "BOOK ONLINE" button from this website, emailing or texting Dr. Ali, or calling the office and leaving a message. All patients should start with a "New Patient Visit" as this gives us time to discuss your health in detail.
After booking your appointment, a link will be sent to your inbox. Follow the link to fill out intake and consent forms online.
There are also printed forms available in the clinic. These forms must be filled in and signed before treatment can begin.
For patients under 16 years of age, a legal guardian must also sign the consent forms.
Your first appointment is all about information gathering. We will talk in depth about your current and past state of health. We may do physical exams if necessary, we may decide to order some lab work.
It is really helpful to bring the following to your first appointment...
A list of any drugs or supplements you are currently taking (and dosages)
Recent lab work (blood test results) or imaging reports if you have them
A list of all your health concerns, it's easy to forget a few in the appointment.
The second visit is typically when we discuss your plan. The plan may involve more data collection (ex. blood work) if needed but will usually involve a list of natural treatment options which we will discuss and determine together which will most likely work for you based on expected effect, your goals, your lifestyle and your capacity to take on change.
Natural treatment options with the most research are usually presented (unless otherwise indicated) so we can be more confident the treatment will be effective. Determining a plan is a team effort, you are encouraged to share your thoughts, feelings, hesitations and preferences during plan development and after. Plans can also be revised as needed as situations change.
In follow up visits we continue to unravel more complex health concerns, address problems in the plan or build on successes. If you tried the plan and could not make it work, this is a chance to dive into why, address any obstacles or discuss alternatives. If you are moving through the plan and feel better, wonderful! It might be time to move to the next step.
Dr. Ali is very cost aware. People of all budgets deserve to feel well. If money is tight and some options are not affordable, let Dr. Ali know and she will do her best to keep costs down.
Naturopathic Medicine is private medicine and thus is not covered by MSP (there are some exceptions). Patients pay for their appointments at the end of each appointment. Debit, Mastercard, Visa, Apple Pay and Google Pay are accepted.
Naturopathic care is covered by most extended health care plans, either completely or in part. Direct billing is available through many insurers. Check this list to see if your insurer is set up with the clinic for direct billing.
The rates are as follows...
New Patient Initial Visit: Takes between 60-75 minutes. $250
Follow up Visits: Takes 30-60 minutes. $140
Recurring Weekly Appointments or Acupuncture: Takes 45-60 minutes. $50
Reduced rates are offered for College and University students. Please contact the clinic for more information.
If lab work or imaging is needed, that is paid for by the patient or their private insurance. Prices are determined by the lab and vary based on what is being tested. Dr. Ali will tell you how much the lab will charge for any tests considered before they are run so there are no surprises. Most tests are quite affordable, but there are situations where more expensive tests may be desired. Labs must be paid for before a requisition is given.
Dr. Ali does not sell supplements. If supplements are recommended, they can be purchased from online retailers or local suppliers. Dr. Ali does not receive any compensation from any dispensary and patients are welcome and encouraged to seek out better pricing at other stores if they like.